Monday, 9 April 2012



I have been made to understand that most (if not all) diseases have an anatomical basis. In other to understand the disease you have to know the anatomy of the body. Just like the problems we face in life, you have to know the origin/root of the problem before you can solve it. Now, let us relate this theory to Easter.
A typical essay question in an anatomy exam may look like this;
A young lad by the name of Jesus Christ was conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin Mary. As a child, he preached the gospel in the temple and everywhere he went. During his youthful days he healed the sick, raised the dead and brought the good ne ws of peace to the world. Despite all he did, the people hated him. They crucified him along with two thieves on good Friday. He died, was buried in the tomb and on the third day, he rose from the dead. This resurrection is now what is celebrated in this time as Easter. Discuss THE ANATOMICAL BASIS OF EASTER.
NOTE; When answering anatomical questions, it is advised that you outline your points and make sure they are precise

The Easter period is an event marked every year on the Christian calendar. This is a period celebrated based on faith and belief in Jesus Christ who died on the cross of Calvary for our sins and was raised on the third day (Easter Sunday). During this period, Christians all over the world are united in the victory of our lord Jesus Christ over death.

The Easter period usually occurs in the 1st quarter of the year. However, the main reason for this celebration i.e Jesus Christ can be found everywhere that’s why he is called the Ominipresent.

This period is preceded/bounded proximally by a period of 40 days known as the season of Lent, palm Sunday (which marks the beginning of the holy week) and Good Friday. Posteriorly, Easter is bounded by Easter Monday. Meanwhile, our lord Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity which has God the father before him and the Holy spirit (our comforter) that he gave to us when he was leaving the world.

Life in Christ is full of Joy, peace, knowledge, understanding, good success, health, love, freedom, favours, blessings, grace e.t.c…

The easter period is marked by a lot of celebrations. In many churches, that day is also called baptism Sunday. Did you know that our lord Jesus Christ is the best person you can trade with?... He gives us; Beauty for our ashes,  strength for fear,  peace for respect… e.t.c.

During the Easter period we reflect on the characteristics of our lord JESUS such as;
1.     He’s an incredible God.------by James Hairston
2.     He’s a mighty God-------------by Deitrick Haddon
3.     He’s an awesome God--------by Kirk franklin
4.     He’s wonderful, gracious and marvelous----- M.I and Eben
5.     He’s our champion-------------by Tye Tribette
6.     He’s our Super friend-----------by Mary Mary

The deficiency/lack of Jesus Christ in our lives causes us to worry unnecessarily whenever we face challenges/problems and this can lead to High Blood pressure, Hypertension and other related diseases. We therefore tend to age easily and are prone to various illnesses.

I really hope you enjoyed reading the essay, Feel free to mark.