Monday, 30 September 2013


Once a nation of peace, the envy of all her peers
Once a mentor to her counterparts around the globe
Once a prominent figure in the economic world
What happened to Nigeria?

"There's no light, we don't have water...
  Fuel prices have gone up again, another strike is underway...
  They have bombed another village...
  I'm tired of this country, what can we do?"

From the military to civilian regime
Transiting from khaki to agbada
From slavery to freedom
Our anthem remains "what can we do?"

"Yes! Our problem is corruption"
Who or what exactly is corrupt?
Giving the usher #1000 so you could get a good seat at the seminar
Smiling to your friend and asking, "what can we do?"

Always ready to lambast the government
Forgetting that it is of the people, for the people and by the people
You refused to come out and vote and she sold her vote for #1000
"We need the money, what can we do?"

A nation filled with political parties that don't have the masses interest at heart
Our Activists never see anything good in the country
The youths prefer to tweet and retweet solutions from their beds
"We are young, what can we do?"

A nation so blessed with natural resources
Importing what is grown on our very own soil
We  adore the western culture but look down on our own cultural values
"Their own is better, what can we do?"

A nation gradually becoming a centre for kidnap and terrorism
Serial rapists, pedophiles make the country unsafe for our children
Instead of protesting and speaking against such violence
The society looks the other way and asks, "what can we do?"

53 years on and she is regressing
The giant of africa is sleeping and scavengers are hunting her down
Willing to fight back but not ready to take the fall
Her people are asking, "what can we do?"

Suffering and smiling is our unpopular motto
Watching and waiting for the heavens to build Nigeria
Instead of being the change that we crave and seek
We would rather make jokes and ask, "what can we do?"

Stand up Nigerians and stand out in your field
Nobody will build your country for you
Seek today to answer the begging question
"In pursuit of Nigeria's progress, what have I done?"


You are not built-to-fall
You are beau-ti-ful


  1. Beautiful poem and thought provoking; indeed I refuse to join the bandwagon of always blaming/ abusing the government when I've not done my little bit in improving the country.

  2. Very well written - from the heart. I wish there was something positive to celeberate tomorrow (Independence day) but perhaps the privatisation of PHCN may come close. Doing as much as we can within our family units and places of work will go a long away indeed. Thanks for sharing this :)

  3. So on point, we must be the change we wish to see in nigeria...thnx 4 dis

  4. Nicely relatable..May God help us all to always be conscious of the actions of the man in the mirror.

    1. Amen... Our actions go a long way in shaping our future. 😊
