Friday, 4 April 2014


Dear diary,

In anger management, a lot of theories have been proposed. Some have worked while others are still hanging in the balance. Let me introduce you to the latest theory in town, the SELECTIVE DISABILITY THEORY:

"If you want to manage your anger effectively, you must choose to be selectively blind, deaf, dumb and handicapped to all the infuriating situations that you would normally yield to."

This is a theory by yours truly and it is up for discuss anywhere and anytime, so let's discuss it.

Being disabled means being unable to perform one or more natural activities due to an illness, injury, etc. Being selectively disabled means 'choosing' not to perform those natural actions you would normally do. Let's say you live with people that do things that make you angry. You know those people that practically live to see you angry (let's call them troublemakers), those ones that would do anything to frustrate you. There is a tendency to always give them what they are asking for. You may be tempted to shout at them or even beat them up thereby hurting yourself in the process. There are number of ways to avoid these situations and they include:

Selectively Blind: whenever you see the troublemaker doing things that will annoy you, turn a blind eye to it. Let's say not flushing the toilet after use, just train yourself to always flush the toilet whenever you enter the bathroom. Whether a mess was made or not, just flush the toilet. That way you see nothing and you are angry about nothing.

Selectively Deaf: you know those troublemakers that like to talk and talk and talk (people that nag). They talk about the tiniest things that could be ignored. Men that live with such women may be tempted to react either by word or action and the end therein is not pretty. When they start talking, just become deaf to it all. You hear the words but your brain will choose not to process them and that way, you won't be pushed to react. In the heat of it all, you can choose to remember the beautiful memories you have of life and that way you would not be in that room. Your physical body may be there but your mind is somewhere better.

Selectively Dumb: maybe you skipped the being selectively deaf part and now your brain has processed the words and you want to react, please do not yield. You know those masking tapes kidnappers put on their victims mouths, yeah you are going to need an invisible one if you want to manage your anger. If the invisible one doesn't work, the physical one will. Choose to keep your lips together and avoid talking even when you are pushed to. It may look like you are weak or stupid but be rest assured that on the intelligence scale, you are way above them.

Selectively Crippled: so they have shouted and done things that infuriated you. You have taken as much as you can and you can no longer bear it. You just want to rush over them and punch them in the face or you just want to destroy something. These actions can only be achieved if you move towards them. So why don't you just stay put or walk away from them? What is the worst that could happen if you refuse to move towards them? Absolutely nothing! Instead you will be calm.

Anger management is for mature minds, people that are willing to take control of their minds. To be successful in managing your anger, you must choose not to react even when you are pushed to. Even if nothing drives you away from such situations at least remember how you feel after shouting or fighting and making a scene, surely it is not a pretty sight.

Wisdom is profitable to direct. In managing your anger, there is a new option made available to you; be SELECTIVELY DISABLED!


  1. Nice one but sometimes, some people just need to learn d lesson the hard way

    1. That may be true to an extent but remember the theory is on managing anger i.e they've "taught" people a lesson the hard way and they now see it as a norm. We are trying to help them change this mentality.

  2. Very nice writeup:-) , more people need to learn to be selective disabled

  3. Hmmmmm....wouldn't hurt to try this even though I agree with annonymous. Lol. Nice!

  4. Dealing with anger can really be difficult sometimes. But like Ambrose Bierce once said "Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."
    Thanks for sharing..

    1. "...the best speech you'll regret"... Nice! Thank you for reading.
