Wednesday, 10 June 2015

B is for BEAUTY

Dear diary,

Have you ever heard a man in love talk about his partner's beauty and you are like "really? let me see a picture." You look at the picture and smile sheepishly at him while saying to yourself "oh common, gerrarahia!"  Well, in the words of the late Michael Jackson, you are not alone.

Beauty has been defined over the years by various ideologies and opinions. What remains constant in it's definition is that people tend to tie it down to physical attraction. It's kind of weird when you bring someone that is not attractive physically and you expect people to say that that person is beautiful. That's like shooting yourself in the foot.

Beauty defines the qualities that a person possesses that makes them pleasing to the senses or the mind. What's beautiful to you may not necessarily be so to me. Hence the saying, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It depends on who is looking. You often wonder why people that are not physically attractive end up with drop dead gorgeous people but only the people in the relationship can understand. The beautiful lady may have married the not so physical attractive man because he possesses some qualities that would last forever. It only takes maturity to understand that physical attraction fades but qualities like kindness, charity and meekness last forever. The guy looks lucky in the relationship but the girl knows that she the one living with a gold medal.

Don't always assume that someone must have done a ritual or visited a native doctor just to be involved with a beautiful person, it's only the people on the football pitch that can understand the dynamics of the game. Peer pressure or should I say youthful exuberance, has pushed us to believe that beauty is only defined by physical features and by this, many have lost out on a whole lot. People marry for physical attractions and a year after they are divorced because they found out they married a physically attractive empty container. 

If you are physically attractive and you are also attractive on the inside, that's a major plus for you. You are like diamond in a rough. If you know that you are not physically attractive, there are ways to make up for it. You can be beautiful on the inside and that would reflect on the outside. Please don't let society's immature definition of beauty deny you the pleasure of being yourself. Beauty can only be appreciated by the beholder. 

On a side note, I've always wondered why girls in the clubs are picked up by strangers and they are happy to go home with them. These strangers tease them about their beauty that only they can see but then I realized that the saying is true;

Beauty indeed, is in the eyes of the be(er) holder.

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