Saturday, 28 July 2012


Like they do in movies….let me just state this here.

“DISCLAIMER; This post is in no way affiliated with the previous post.“….. (lol, I’ve always wanted to say that) 

“Its time to vote again and everyone is out on the streets looking for their various voting centers. There is little or no vehicular movement because of the ongoing elections. There are people of all ages here (from 18 and above).  People have been sitting here since morning and there is no sign of the electoral officers. Everyone is stressed out and the  sun is blazing hot. People are now gathering in groups to discuss various issues concerning the country…..and voila!.. the electoral officers arrive. Now everyone is trying to get in line so that they can vote and go home. You can hear those at the back of the line screaming “no chancing… chancing”… everyone is tired. Now voting has not started because the officers have to set up their equipments, meanwhile people are still on the line, under the hot sun.
Voting has started and people can’t wait to register their vote and go. While on the line, a big black jeep pulls up at the voting centre followed by an entourage of other exquisite cars. A man dressed in suit wearing dark shades, comes down from the car and goes to open the passenger door. Just like they do in movies, the first thing we saw was a pair of brown shiny shoes. We were all  looking at the “side attraction” still taking note of our positions on the line. The owner of the shoe came out and  it was a big chubby man(cool way of calling an obese person) in his early forty’s. it was obvious he came to vote so everyone turned back to their primary assignment-voting. The man took one look at the line and walked all the way to the front adjusting his agbada as he went. He got to the front and stretched out his hand and said “I want to vote”. People on the line started screaming and shouting “no o, no o…ogbeni, fly to the back o….just dey go the back as we dey look you so”. The man acting surprised opened his mouth and with all his strength, he shouted…”DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ???””…….you can already guess what happened to him, looool, with their anger and frustration from the voting exercise….the voters pounced on him and were ruffling him up…he was saved by his bodyguards.

A lot of people have been in this kind of situation where you are having an argument with someone and the person begins to shout “do you know who I am??”.  Most times when I’m confronted by such people I say to myself “really, who cares???”. These ‘proud’ people are always walking around with their heads held high [just like the peacock] trying to intimidate people with their ‘achievements’, for all we know most of them are self-acclaimed local champions from their various villages. You see them almost everywhere you go, really they just can’t be hidden. We see them at big events----yeah they show up when the occasion has gone halfway and walk all the way to the front row waving and showing their dentition to all who care to look. They are very prominent at the supermarket----oh yeah they see a queue at the counter and instead of lining up like normal people do, they walk all the way to the front like they have some magic potion in their mouth that will work wonders. Lets come down to the school arena, that’s right we have them in our classes too. Maybe its because they used to come 1st in their various high schools et all [I really don’t care] they now feel like ”champions” {local ones of course}. They like to make sure they are heard, always arguing in class about certain facts even when they are wrong!...*sigh* I could go on and on.
 This question, as harmless as it sounds has been/is the cause of disputes amongst many people. Sometimes, the persons actions might not really annoy you but once that question pops up, you ask yourself…who do these people think they are. Although it works for some people i.e when they ask “do you know who I am?”,  the person they are talking to may be scared and run off.  Well it doesn’t   work for everyone though…in some cases you might just end up like that man from the election day. Sad thing is that you might not be lucky enough to escape.. My free advice to you…Thread with caution.

QUESTION; do you know who I am???

ANSWER; I ----- I
                 A -----AM
               M ---  MEEEE!!!


1. I am the maker of the heavens.
2. I am the bright and morning star.
3. I am the breadth of all creation.
4. I am the one who walked on water.
5. I am the one who calmed the seas.
 6. I am the miracles and wonder.
7. I am the fount of living water.
8. I am the risen son of man.
9. I am the healer of the broken.
 10. I am your savior and redeemer.
11. I am the one who bore the sins of man.
12. I am the author and perfecter.
13. I am the beginning and the end.
14. I am the spirit deep inside you.
15. I am the word upon your heart.
 16. I am the one who even knew you before your birth, before you were.
17. I am throughout the earth.

 18. I am the universe.
19. I am in every heart.
20. I am where you are.
21. I am the lord of lords.
 22. I am the king of kings.
23. I am the holy lamb. 2
4. I am above all things.
25. I am the mighty God your father


Saturday, 14 July 2012


Hello ladies and gents.....
I saw this story and i could not resist the urge to share it with you all

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above).

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive.

WOW!....  Now is this beautiful or is this BEAUTIFUL...

Friday, 13 July 2012



RIDDLE; I am something when you have a lot of me you loose a lot of time and opportunity, when you have little or none of me, u are in disarray…..what am I?


 Situation 1;            

Christine just had a fabulous weekend with her friends. She had to enjoy the weekend because she had a busy Monday ahead. She got back home on Sunday evening and did her best to get prepared for Monday, by ironing her cloths, arranging her books et all. She had to leave the house very early in the morning. She told her mum to wake her up on time and even set an alarm for 5.30 am. She went to bed with a mindset of waking up early (uh…hmm). To cut the story short she woke up by 9:15 in the morning (hahaha)


Richard, a university undergraduate had just had a fun weekend and even forgot that he had a test in school on Tuesday. He got back to school on Monday and saw his mates reading. The library was packed with people and  even the class was full. Then it hit him…he had not looked at his books. He ran to the hostel, picked his books and ran to the class. On his way to class, he kept murmuring to himself “I will not sleep this night, ehn when I’ve not read anything…I must do overnight!” He read till the early hours of the morning and only went to the hostel to have his bath and take his identity card. He entered the exam all and all he could write on his answer sheet was his name and matriculation number. Needless to say what he scored in the test.

We have all had this kind of experience at one time or the other in our lives. As funny as It sounds, not a few of us have been in such quagmire. We like to relax, rest and sleep. Sleeping isn’t a bad thing, its something that is a norm in our lives. As good and refreshing as it is, when it is taken to the extreme it becomes a problem. A lot of times we really want to wake up early et all but sleep just draws us back. Sometimes we even set alarms but by morning when the alarm is ringing we wake up, put it off and go back to sleep….funny isn’t it, like they say the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  Back in high school, my mates and I  were preparing for our final exams and so each time we were feeling sleepy we would tell our friends to wake us up in 15 minutes that even if we don’t want  to answer them, they should pour us water and beat us (all these were done, just so we could I remember one time,  the 15 minutes was over and it was time to wake them up. The so-called ‘friend’ would try to wake her friend to read but she would not wake-up and so she poured the water on her and that’s when the fight started. The friend screamed and cursed her friend for trying to disturb her sleep…hahaha, I couldn’t hide my laughter. Some of us just sleep not because we want to but because we can’t control it which may really be a sign of laziness. Some even sugar coat it by saying ‘I’m not sleeping I just like staring at my eyelids when they are covered’…YEAH RIGHT!

In the same manner not having enough sleep can be pretty depressing. You can hardly focus on anything when you are in a state like that. It’s just a case of jack of all trades but master of none. In this age people brag about insomnia like it’s a good thing… you know that research has proven that insomnia serves as the basis of certain diseases that affect us in this present age??? Well now you know.  An adult is supposed to have between 6-8 hrs of sleep but these days with traffic and other activities people sleep by 12 and wake up by 3 just so they can make it early to their place of work. I can imagine how stressful that is.

If you are like Christine and you like to sleep a lot, well maybe you should try to discipline yourself and learn to beat sleep at its own game. Try to understand yourself and regulate your sleeping pattern.  If symptoms persist beyond your ability, see a doctor. It might just be that your body is trying to tell you something. Like a part in proverbs that says ‘take a cue from the ants, as small as they are they work so hard just so they can earn their daily bread’. While you are sleeping, people are working.

If you are a Richard in the making, It’s of no use really to work so hard and end up in the grave before your time is due neither is it fulfilling to achieve nothing with the time you have on earth. Try to get enough sleep so that your body can rest. Imagine your body was a machine and it does so much work without being serviced once in a while, it would just pack up one day. There should be a balance because health is wealth.

Dear Reader, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you on both the good side and bad side of sleep. Examine yourself today!


P.S: part of the inspiration for this post came from a friend of mine… xoxo

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